Hellboy (2004) with Scott Weinberg
Brian and Weinberg join the B.P.R.D in an episode designed and directed…
The Thin Man Goes Home with Drew McWeeny
The great Drew McWeeny (The Hip Pocket) sheds his chapeau, sits a… Listen to the episode
A Very Salisbury Christmas: Scrooged with Unfiltered Wife
It’s Christmas Eve! It’s the one night of the year when we… Listen to the episode
A Very Salisbury Christmas: The Christmas List (1997) with Mama Junkfood
It’s still A Very Salisbury Christmas, and this week, Mama Junkfood stops… Listen to the episode
Podcast Episodes
Want the latest drop? Need to see where it all started? Have a craving to see what the junkfood pairing was for your favorite film? This is the place for prime, Double Stuff, and live event episodes!
Blind Fury
Brian and Cargill sling swords and…pints of Guinness (?) as they take on Rutger Hauer, mullets, and terrible crime bosses…
Zero Effect
Brian and Cargill wrap up Cargill’s house by investigating Zero Effect, Bagel Bites, the downfall of Tab cola…and more? Enjoy!
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle
As Cargill’s House moves…outside, get ready to press start on an episode filled with adventure, excitement, and rage against the…
Smokin’ Aces
Two weeks into their Cargill’s House series, and things go balls-to-the-wall insane at Junkfood Cinema as Brian and Cargill try…
August Rush
Welcome to Cargill’s House, a month-long miniseries curated by our own smoky-throated miscreant! First up, a movie that beautifully combines…
The Long Goodbye
In fulfilling the very last Patron request, Brian & Cargill hunt killers and cat food with Elliott Gould in The…